Retail is an experience where the merchant wants to identify with the customer needs. The customer wants clear guidance on how and what the experience and style is intended to be. After careful study of design trends and industry experience, Identity Architects can create an inviting architectural experience that leaves everyone without question.

Identity Architects has a rich history designing the highly successful neighborhood center. We create aesthetic details to match the aspirations of your demographics as well as your cost targets. These needs-based centers drive traffic and we assure the site design optimizes traffic flow.

Regional shopping centers are master planned retail developments ranging from 50,000 to 1,250,000 SF. Identity Architects regularly plans these dynamic, multi-big box, multi-pad sites in locations throughout Texas. Having completed multiple power center projects, Identity Architects knows the complexity involved with coordinating big box retailers and stringent schedules.

In concert with clients, we create and advance the design of retail prototypes consistent with the needs of the consumer and the aspiration of the client’s brand strategy. Our broad experience in the retail sector allows us to process, execute and advance your team’s vision while meeting construction schedules. We establish exemplary communications with the corporate team members and understand the priorities of customer insight, planning and fixture experts.

Design is both art and science. Your identity must be a crafted with a unique aesthetic as well as unique functionality to establish a compelling shopping experience. Successful brand expression in the retail environment keeps the consumer engaged, brings them back for more, and initiates word-of-mouth endorsements.

Early learning centers, daycares, montessori, and private K-12 schools shape our youth. This is an area where form follows function as we create learning environments that are safe and inspiring.