Commercial Development Limits: Applying Law of the Minimum / by Guest User

Liebig's Law of the Minimum is an agricultural principle designed to illustrate that crops can only grow up to their scarcest resource. Imagine a Barrel with Staves (slats) of different sizes. The water level can never exceed the lowest stave, no matter how much you put in, water pours out at the level of the lowest stave.

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This principle can be also applied to development projects. Think of the water as time and resources. When you have many vendors (staves) working on a project, the success of the entire project is based on the quality of all the vendors and how well they work together. This is why our business model produces the best outcomes for our development partners.

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During any design build project, the responsibilities stretch in many directions. You have to make a very conscious choice of who is going to take your project from A to Z with ease. Conflicts will arise, as they do in most cases, but we believe it’s how problems are solved that makes the difference. 

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At Identity Architects and Identity Built, we are here to service you from beginning to end. Founded in 2010, Identity Built is an architect-led design build and construction management group teamed with Identity Architects. Our holistic approach allows us to take full responsibility for your project down to every detail, while in turn giving you one point of contact throughout the process. 

Each team member at Identity Architects and Identity Built has a unique area of expertise in the steps we take. The culmination of which is a holistic, diverse skillset within the firm to service our clients from A to Z. We believe that by encouraging our creative teams to embrace new ways of thinking along with tried and true problem solving, our designs are able to push the envelope and maximize the value of the buildings. 

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Both Identity Architects and Identity Built work together in-house, located in the Historic District of Downtown Houston. We operate in an open studio that has a “no doors” policy. Our team thrives on collaboration as we coordinate together on all aspects of your project from the quality and cost control to scheduling and efficient communication. 

It is of our highest priority to deliver unparalleled customer service. We have relationships with clients who we have built for years now and years to come. From our environment to our team, to our tried and true process- we are prepared to take your project from A to Z with ease, and then some! Contact us today at 713-595-2150 or visit our website at and to learn more.

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