Does Your Office Express Your Identity? / by Guest User

Have you ever stepped through the entrance of an office building and immediately felt like you understood the company’s culture, brand, or identity

Every business begins with a set of values that later speak to the culture. When working towards your first tangible items, from the employee handbooks to the office building design, it’s exciting to form visual representations that bring your values to life. 

“Our design process begins with identifying your brand.”

At Identity Architects, we design spaces that reflect your culture, foster personnel productivity and deliver a healthy, enjoyable environment. Our design process begins with identifying your brand. Through exterior architecture, interior design, and operations- we translate your brand accordingly. What could that look like for your company? 

“We want them to feel clean, safe and taken care of.”

We shift our focus, depending on the industry. In medical centers, we create healing environments with a focus on the needs of the patient. When they step into your clinic, surgery center, or doctors’ office- we want them to feel clean, safe and taken care of. 

This focus differs when, for example, designing a restaurant or bar, the goal is to assure your customers are greeted to a great first impression through inspiring details. We pair your identity with a compelling environment to elevate the customer or client’s experience! 

“In retail, the thought process works differently. Retail is an experience…”

However, in retail, the thought process works differently. Retail is an experience where the merchant wants to identify with the customer’s needs and have clear guidance on how and what the experience and style is intended to be. 

A workplace says a lot about a company and what they represent. Are you drawn to an open concept in your business? Some offices are designed to maximize the creative conversation by eliminating closed-off spaces and doors, while others can be focused on individual offices and several conference rooms. 

Whether you are at the beginning stages of developing your company, re-branding, renovating, or looking to expand, contact Identity Architects at 713-595-2150,, or visit us online to learn more!