Identity Architects

March Identity Happenings: by Keenon Rayner

Congratulation Bryan!

Newest Principal at Identity Architects!

The STARCHITECT for this quarter is Ashley Jenkins!

Congratulations we are so proud of you and thankful for all the hard work you do at here!

“STARCHITECT” Award is our peer selected employee who consistently illuminates Identity Architects core values and who’s work ethic serves as motivational beacon of light for the entire firm!

Dates to Remember:

March 2, 9 -ARE Study Group

March 8, 22 -Internal Training Session

March 9, 5:00 PM -SoHo Garden HTX Happy Hour

March 17 -St. Patrick’s Day Celebration w/ Lunch

March 22 -Staff Birthday Celebration March/April.

March Anniversaries at Identity Architects:

Bryan Cater, AIA -Principal by Keenon Rayner

James Bryan Cater

Bryan Cater has been promoted to Principal in the Houston office of Identity Architects.

In this new role, Bryan will focus on leading studios to focus on quality control and client retention. Bryan is a Texas Registered Architect and consistently receives high praise from clients and coworkers on his work management of complex ground up commercial projects. Bryan’s management style and push for excellence in operations further the company’s long term growth.